Contact details for the participants are retrieved from the ConceptDraw PROJECT Resource Sheets.
ConceptDraw Office allows you to generate WBS diagram in ConceptDraw PRO from ConceptDraw PROJECT data with one mouse click directly from project file.Build a considerate team communicationsBuild a considerate team communications.ConceptDraw Office allows you to email project tasks to participants in as a convenient mind map.Also you can receive reports about tasks completion in the form of mind map.A mind map with a personalized task list and associated preview image are created and sent automatically. A good WBS can help in the development of any complex process. to define the work required for the project and to break it into manageable pieces. Thanks to common data format of ConceptDraw MINDMAP and ConceptDraw PROJECT within ConceptDraw Office, the same project data can be displayed in the form of a mind map or Gantt chart.Add clearness and clarity to planning processesAdd clearness and clarity to planning processes.Apply Work Breakdown Structure method (WBS).

ConceptDraw Office is a tool appropriated to be used in a daily work of project and non-project managers who deal with various kinds of planning as well as resources and tasks management.ConceptDraw Office outstanding innovation is the ability of end-to-end visual representation of the data and task status information in a visual manner that is the most optimal for each workflow participant.ConceptDraw MINDMAP, ConceptDraw PROJECT and ConceptDraw PRO composed a single solution that provides all requirements of managing a workflow or project:* Capturing the ideas,* Planning and scheduling,* Organizing the process,* Keeping of suitable communications,* Process tracking and management.Key featuresLatest versions of ConceptDraw products for your businessLatest versions of ConceptDraw products for your business.ConceptDraw Office has accumulated the 15-years experience in developing business productivity applications, data visualization technologies and breakthrough in project management solutions.Seamless integration creates a backgroundSeamless integration creates a background for successful project from starting point.The InGyre technology within ConceptDraw Office provides you with shortest way to turn idea into project: copy information from ConceptDraw MINDMAP, and paste it into ConceptDraw PROJECT as a project, resource or task.Tool to develop project in detailsTool to develop project in details.ConceptDraw Office tools enable you to instantly build a mind map from your Gantt chart data.A ConceptDraw PROJECT multiple project document easily becomes a multiple page mind map in ConceptDraw MINDMAP.A mind map gives clear and visual representation of your project and its defined tasks, making them great for team work to develop project in details carefully.Improve understandingImprove understanding between workflow process participants.Different project participants might have different preferences of how the project data is represented.