So he decided Adam Female wasn't worthy of his name, the God-given name she had, so he called her Eve.Īnother beautiful Truth found here is also found in Adam's words as Adam Female was brought to him, Gen 2:24įor this cause, (What cause? That a man and woman become one flesh.) Shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife. God had no choice but to throw the unrepentant two out of paradise.Īdam Male still had an attitude about it. (Where is the record he did?) When Adam Female was deceived, everyone blamed everyone who blamed the serpent. He was to keep the Garden, He was to freely eat of the other trees and he was to eat of the Tree of Life!Īdam Male did none of these things nor did he tell these things to Adam Female. She even heard the commandment not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, how else did she know it? There is no record of Adam Male doing any thing that God asked him to do except name the animals. She was created with Adam Male, right there in his rib. If Adam female had not been a PART of Adam Male, why did he say that? Exactly, she was. When Adam female was taken out of Adam male, she was brought to him. So God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam male. God saw it was not good that he be alone. Adam male named all the animals, and sat in the Garden. However, Adam female was not brought out into the visible yet.
When God created Adam male and female, the Word says He created them. Lena Wms Student Gospel Church, S.S.Teacher, Observer I can only answer what I have been taught by my Pastor and Leader. "Praise God that we have a Savior! And, his name is Jesus Christ!" Praise God that He created Adam and Eve.And.".sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ to take on the sin of this world and die a cruel wretched death on that cross at Calvary so that you and I may have a home in heaven with the Lord for eternity!" (2 Corinthians 5) this is Adam making this point for emphasis that Eve is truly his mate! (Genesis 2:23) Adam gave her the name Eve because "she was the mother of all living!" (Genesis 3:20) The major point here is that Eve is part of Adam because she is directly made from Adam! This main scripture ".flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone. God then put Adam to sleep takes a rib from his rib cage and makes Eve, his female helpmate! God then realized that Adam was alone/lonely because he didn't fit in with any of the animals. My simple short answer I submit: Adam and Eve were "made by the hands of God" and the best way to understand this is that first we need to realize just how enormously special man is in the heart of God! Remember, God took some soil/dirt of the Earth and rubbed his saliva in His hands and created/formed Adam!.the first human/flesh man. Andy Mangus I am a Christian since October 1979 & devoted truth seeker.